Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

Poesia em português para este verão quente...

Encontrei uma preta
que estava a chorar,
pedi-lhe uma lágrima
para a analisar.

Recolhi a lágrima
com todo o cuidado
num tubo de ensaio
bem esterilizado.

Olhei-a de um lado,
do outro e de frente:
tinha um ar de gota
muito transparente.

Mandei vir os ácidos,
as bases e os sais,
as drogas usadas
em casos que tais.

Ensaiei a frio,
experimentei ao lume,
de todas as vezes
deu-me o que é costume:

nem sinais de negro,
nem vestígios de ódio.
Água (quase tudo)
e cloreto de sódio.

António Gedeão

end of the year...

Year End Ideas / Projects

It's the last three weeks of school and the year will come to an end soon. You have done your best and your students have done their best. Classes are winding down but you don't want the learning to stop until the year is over. Your hard work has paid off and your students will graduate on to the next grade! Here are some fun ways to finish out the year with your class! We hope you find an idea or two you can use in your classroom to make the end of the year fun & educational for your students.

End of the Year Lessons and Ideas - Here are some fun ways to finish out the year with your class! Site includes lesson plans, ideas, printables and even gifts.

End-of-the-Year Tips - Check out these great end-of-the-year ideas to help you and your class experience a successful transition from school to summer.

End of the Year - Comment Ideas for Report Cards - over 300 adjectives and phrases by Chantal Latourto personalize your end of year report card comments

End-of-the-Year Activities
- from The Teacher's Corner comes this list of ideas. Some are targeted to specific grade levels but many are suitable for all grade levels

from Education World:

Wind Up Learning as the Year Winds Down: Activities for the Last Days of School - more than a dozen great end-of-year ideas!
Making the Most of the Dreaded End-of-School Days - Links to dozens of additional activities to fill the final days.
Thinking Ahead to Next Year - Students leave advice for those who will follow in their footsteps, or write informative letters to the teachers who will teach them next year.
Create a Class Yearbook - Students create a keepsake yearbook of memories from the school year about to end.
End of the School Year Activities - Blackwell's Best - ideas and links from Vicki Blackwell's Internet Guide for Educators

End of School Lesson Plans
- from the LessonPlansPage come these great ideas for finishing off the school year

End of School - from ABC Teach come many links to end of year ideas

June Holidays and end of the Year Activities - Here are some great ideas from The Teacher's Guide for end of the year activities

Friday, May 11, 2007

The doll...

this our baby girl...

Friday, May 4, 2007

Mother´s day...

My students made a postcard and some yellow roses with a label, others made a heart made of wood... necklace.but I don´t have the photo...

Body and clothes activity

Dressing a life-size doll was lots of fun for my students..and they loved it...

My classroom celling..

My 3rd and 4th year students decided to welcome Spring so they made some flowers to stick on the celling...It was their idea...WELCOME SPRING!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Treasure Hunt

Last week I tried this game with my 6th grade students they loved it...
It´s a good game to revise directions, colours, classroom material...
They even get their personal pirates cards...and the winning team got a surprise gift...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Great site

Check out this grammar site I came across surfing on the internet:

Friday, March 23, 2007

Happy Easter!

Paper Bunny Basket


something to colour with,


glue, and


There are lots of things you can do with this craft:

attach a popsicle stick to make it a puppet,

attach a paper handle to make a basket (this is my favorite option... put in a bit of shredded paper or tissue paper and fill with small chocolates),

attach a string to make a cone hat (when the kids tilt their heads forward they'll look like the Easter Bunny) or

just hang on the fridge.

Print out the template of choice.

Colour the pieces as appropriate.

Cut the pieces out. (Cutting may require adult assistance and can be pre-done). Cut along the solid lines only!

See the picture above if you're confused as to how to put this together. You might want to practice making the cone (without gluing) before you put the face on just so you can get a feel for what it looks like. The kids think it's pretty "magical" how the flat piece of paper turns into a cone!

Glue or tape the ears onto the top of the bunny.

Glue or tape the eyes and nose onto the face.

If you look at the bottom of the half circle (the straight part), you'll see the "glue here". Glue the side to the right of the teeth to the side to the left of the teeth.

Fold the ears and teeth on the dotted lines.

If you're making a bunny basket put a bit of tape on the teeth so the hole stays covered. (stuffing with a bit of shredded paper or tissue paper also keeps any candy from falling out the bottom).

Close the template window after printing to return to this screen.

Set page margins to zero if you have trouble fitting the template on one page (FILE, PAGE SETUP or FILE, PRINTER SETUP in most browsers).

Bunny Rabbit Ears
Very simple, but very fun!


Make a strip of paper long enough to go around the child's head (you may need to tape to pieces end to end to get it long enough. You can make it thinner than we did, but my girls like the thick ones (they don't tear as easily and ride a bit higher on the head like a crown)

Print, color and cut out the ears

Tape the ears onto the strip

OPTIONAL: Decorate the strip with stickers/markers/etc as desired

Tape the strip in a loop so it fits on the head
Close the template window after printing to return to this screen.

Set page margins to zero if you have trouble fitting the template on one page (FILE, PAGE SETUP or FILE, PRINTER SETUP in most browsers).

Easter Bunny Cake
• Cake mix
• Frosting
1. Bake one round cake and a cupcake.
2. Cut the round cake in half and stand the two halves side by side. This is the body.
3. Put the cupcake at one end for the head.
4. Frost the cake and use a little extra at the other end for a tail.

The animals

When you teach the animal´s theme this video helps a lot and kids love it...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Works dos alunos da EB1 Bendada- Sabugal

Bendada - SABUGAL

Estes são alguns trablhos da teacher Dulce Lopes e dos seus meninos do 1º,2º,3º e 4º anos...mas há mais...em breve...
Parabéns meninos ...Keep going the good work!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Father´s day

Happy Father´s Day