Friday, February 2, 2007



... se é jovem, não tem experiência

... se é velho, está superado

... se não tem carro, é um coitado

... se tem carro, chora de "barriga cheia"

... se fala em voz alta, grita

... se fala em tom normal, ninguém o ouve

... se não falta às aulas, é um tontinho

... se falta, é um "turista"

... se conversa com outros professores, está a falar mal dos alunos

... se não conversa, é um desligado

... se dá a matéria toda, não tem dó dos alunos

... se não dá a matéria, não prepara os alunos

... se brinca com a turma, arma-se em engraçado

... se não brinca, é um chato

... se chama à atenção é um autoritário

... se não chama, não sabe se impor

... se o teste de avaliação é longo, não dá tempo

... se o teste de avaliação é curto, tira as chances dos alunos

... se escreve muito, não explica

... se explica muito, o caderno não tem nada

... se fala correctamente, ninguém entende

... se fala a "língua" do aluno, não tem vocabulário

... se o aluno é reprovado, foi perseguição

... se o aluno é aprovado, o professor facilitou.

É verdade, o professor está sempre errado!
Mas se você conseguiu ler até aqui, agradeça-lhe a ele!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Happy Valentines Day, my friends.....

Valentines II

Valentines Day!

CD Wall Picture Craft Project

What you need:

Red craft paper
Pink craft paper
White craft paper
Old CD

What you do:

Trace and cut big flower pattern out of red craft paper. Glue CD shiny side up in the middle of red flower. Out of pink and white paper trace and cut as many big and small hearts as desired. Glue hearts around CD as shown.
Cut circle or heart with text "You make my heart smile" out of white craft paper and glue it in the center of CD. Cut red heart or circle out of red craft paper. (CD should be still showing around red circle). With marker draw eyes and a smile below the text.

This makes a nice wall picture.

Valentines Bookmark

What you need:

Red craft paper
Pink craft paper
Craft stick
Red paint
Black marker

What you do:

Use a wooden craft stick and paint read. Trace and cut one large and two small hearts out of red and pink craft paper. Glue small hearts to the top of the large heart as ears. With marker draw eyes and whiskers. Glue heart face onto craft stick and add a conversation heart just below the face.

This makes a nice Valentine's Day gift for a special friend.

Easy Kids Arts and Crafts Project

Be My Love Bug

What you need:

Black craft foam or craft paper
Red craft paper
Pink craft paper
Pipe cleaners
Brass fasteners

What you do:

Print trace and cut bug body out of black foam or craft paper. Cut I Love You circle and glue it on black bug body. Cut and trace hearts out of red and pink craft paper and decorate. Attach heart wings to body with brass fasteners as shown. Add pipe cleaner antennas to your love bug.

Table decoration: Don't flatten brass fasteners, use them as legs/stands.

Napkin ring: Cut paper roll into a 1 1/2" ring. Paint red and attach love bug with brass fasteners.

Letter/Card decoration: Attach to our I love you writing activity or on your valentine's card envelope.

I love you because Book

What you need:

Red craft foam or craft paper
Pink craft paper
White craft paper
Punch hole
Yellow paint
Colored pencil
Glitter markers

What you do:

Print and cut heart and book pages. Trace and cut 2 book cover pages out of red craft foam or craft paper. Don' t forget to mark the holes. Trace and cut medium size heart out of red craft paper. Trace and cut big heart out of pink or doily. Cut "I love you because..." assemble hearts and decorate. Glue finished heart on the front cover page.

Inside pages:

You make my heart smile - Kids draw a smiley face on the heart. Glue it on page.

You help me grow - Kids draw a flower.

You brighten my day - Kids make a thumb print sun and draw the rays.

You love Me! - Kids draw themselves and write their name below.

Prepare yarn with tape to make it stronger and easier for lacing. Put glue on the marked places on the inside pages and press them together. Make holes with punch hole and lace all pieces with yarn together. Make knots and leave a small piece of yarn. Cut 2 small hearts out of red craft paper,decorate, add glue and sandwich yarn between the hearts.

Some works my students did - 3rd year and YLE starters(4th year)