Friday, August 10, 2007

Poesia em português para este verão quente...

Encontrei uma preta
que estava a chorar,
pedi-lhe uma lágrima
para a analisar.

Recolhi a lágrima
com todo o cuidado
num tubo de ensaio
bem esterilizado.

Olhei-a de um lado,
do outro e de frente:
tinha um ar de gota
muito transparente.

Mandei vir os ácidos,
as bases e os sais,
as drogas usadas
em casos que tais.

Ensaiei a frio,
experimentei ao lume,
de todas as vezes
deu-me o que é costume:

nem sinais de negro,
nem vestígios de ódio.
Água (quase tudo)
e cloreto de sódio.

António Gedeão

end of the year...

Year End Ideas / Projects

It's the last three weeks of school and the year will come to an end soon. You have done your best and your students have done their best. Classes are winding down but you don't want the learning to stop until the year is over. Your hard work has paid off and your students will graduate on to the next grade! Here are some fun ways to finish out the year with your class! We hope you find an idea or two you can use in your classroom to make the end of the year fun & educational for your students.

End of the Year Lessons and Ideas - Here are some fun ways to finish out the year with your class! Site includes lesson plans, ideas, printables and even gifts.

End-of-the-Year Tips - Check out these great end-of-the-year ideas to help you and your class experience a successful transition from school to summer.

End of the Year - Comment Ideas for Report Cards - over 300 adjectives and phrases by Chantal Latourto personalize your end of year report card comments

End-of-the-Year Activities
- from The Teacher's Corner comes this list of ideas. Some are targeted to specific grade levels but many are suitable for all grade levels

from Education World:

Wind Up Learning as the Year Winds Down: Activities for the Last Days of School - more than a dozen great end-of-year ideas!
Making the Most of the Dreaded End-of-School Days - Links to dozens of additional activities to fill the final days.
Thinking Ahead to Next Year - Students leave advice for those who will follow in their footsteps, or write informative letters to the teachers who will teach them next year.
Create a Class Yearbook - Students create a keepsake yearbook of memories from the school year about to end.
End of the School Year Activities - Blackwell's Best - ideas and links from Vicki Blackwell's Internet Guide for Educators

End of School Lesson Plans
- from the LessonPlansPage come these great ideas for finishing off the school year

End of School - from ABC Teach come many links to end of year ideas

June Holidays and end of the Year Activities - Here are some great ideas from The Teacher's Guide for end of the year activities